Moorlands Church of England Primary Academy believes strongly in allowing children to experience democracy throughout their time in the school. Democracy can be evidenced in the following ways:
- The school has a junior management structure made up of two layers.
- Junior Leaders – The JLT is made up of the head boy, head girl and their deputies. The JLT meet each half term and draw up their own school action plan. Through the year they work together to instigate school wide change. During the year the heads and deputies get the chance to be Headteacher for the day. During this experience they get to plan and spend a budget on the school, meet with sales reps, make phone calls, send emails, hold staff meetings and carry out learning walks. The JLT also get a working lunch where they are taken out for a meal by the SLT. The JLT get to make long lasting change across the school.
- School Council – The school council are elected by their peers and meet fortnightly to see how they can improve the school. The JLT can instruct the school council to complete actions where needed. The school council raise money, purchase products and champion school wide issues such as responsible parking.
- Mock General Election / School Council Elections
- During the general election, the school held its own mock election. Campaign posters went up around school and the children had to decide who to vote for. Voting booths were set up and all children had their say. This was then linked in to their lessons and led to creative writing and PSHE activities.
- This process is mirrored by the children on a smaller scale when they get the opportunity to vote for their school council representatives each year.
- Letters and Requests
- At Moorlands we teach children to have their say and to be heard. If they want something to change in school they need to ask in the correct way. I regularly receive letters from children with requests. Examples include a request for new library titles to complete a collection, changes to the playground and ideas for after school clubs.
- Class Charters
- Many classes have class charters drawn up by the children. These are then used throughout the year to improve behaviour.
Rule of law
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school or the country are consistently reinforced throughout the school day. This can be evidenced in the following ways:
- Collective worship – we regularly reinforce laws and rules through our worship. We look at the values of love and respect, learning how the Bible tells us to behave. We have looked at the Golden Rule adopted by the UN and how countries have pledged to treat others as they wish to be treated, as prescribed in the gospel according to Matthew.
- Class systems – the school behaviour policy is consistent and reinforced throughout the day.
- High Five – the school has recently adopted the High Five approach to reminding children of the rules. These are our top five pointers for behaving in each area of the school.
- Visits – we have visits from the emergency services to underline the importance of law. Year 6 have taken part in the local Crucial Crew event each year. We have had sessions with the fire service and sessions on the green cross code.
- Reward – the school has a number of reward systems in place to promote rules. This is highlighted in our weekly Golden Assembly on a Friday.
- Our SIAMS inspection highlighted the good behaviour of our children and the report opened with the line ‘this school lives by its values’.
Individual liberty
Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supported environment. Evidence for this can be found in the following ways:
- PANTS – a whole school NSPCC Pants day has helped children to create their own safeguarding hands. These are displayed in each classroom and point out 5 people that each child can talk to if they are in trouble.
- E-Safety Day – A whole school e-safety day has taken place using the CEOP materials. This has helped children to feel safe online.
- Parent E-Safety – Parent sessions have been held for e-safety. These were targeted sessions for families who had problems in this area.
- RSHE – A scheme is in place and allows children to discuss issues as a class and tackle larger problems.
Mutual respect
Respect is an important value in the life of Moorlands. We spend time each year focussing on respect as one of our core values. Evidence can be found in the following ways:
- Collective worship – we work closely with the church to deliver effective and thought provoking collective worship and the theme of respect. We look at the instructions of the Bible and see how this can be replicated in our daily lives.
- School Prayer – our school prayer was introduced in 2023 and is said daily. It allows us to spend time each day thinking of others and asking God for help.
- The school works closely with the Empathy Lab and holds regular empathy days across the year.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
As a Church of England Academy, tolerance of faith and views is paramount to all of our work here at Moorlands. Evidence of this can be found in the following ways:
- RE Curriculum – we have a comprehensive scheme of work for RE. Recently, the teaching staff have all received training across a variety of religions and world beliefs to ensure that their subject knowledge is not a barrier to learning and healthy conversation.
- Collective Worship – We focus on the Christian faith during our collective worship, but we are fully inclusive and look at values that will allow our children to include others in all they do
- Empathy – Empathy is a main thread in the school offer. The numerous empathy events through the year allow children to put themselves in others shoes.
- Refugee Day – Our refugee day is highly successful and allowed children to think about what it might be like to be displaced.