Welcome to Ladybirds Nursery
A teacher-led nursery at Moorlands CofE Primary Academy
Our Day
This is what a “typical” day looks like, however, routines can change according to the time of the year and specific celebrations or events that may be happening, for example Chinese New Year, World book day, etc.
Morning session
- 9.00 am: Settling in class, self-registration and choosing a job in the areas.
- 9:10 am: Registration, maths-counting how many children are in, days of the week song.
- 9.25 – 10.15am: Free flow activities both inside and outside (Planned activities/child-initiated activities)
- 10:25 – 10.35 am: Listening games class session/ small group work
- 10.35 – 10.45am: Snack
- 10.50 – 11:15 am: Playground Free-flow activities
- 11.35 – 12.00pm: Story/singing
Afternoon session
- lunch time – 12.00pm-12.30pm
- 12.30pm – 1.30pm: Playground Free-flow activities
- 1.30pm – 1.40pm- Maths, days of the week song, singing nursery rhymes- linked with maths.
- 1.50 – 2.30pm: Free-flow activities (Planned activities/child-initiated activities)
- 2.40 – 3.00pm: Story/ song time/ reflection on our learning
- 3.00pm: Home time
AM session 9.00am-12.00pm
PM session (includes lunch) 12.00pm-3.00pm
Nursery Curriculum
Nursery Prices
What does my child need to bring?
These are the items your child will need when they start at Ladybirds Nursery
- Uniform is optional, please check school website for more information.
- Bag: Your child will need to bring a bag of spare clothes, socks, underwear for occasional accidents or water play. These all must be labelled with your child’s name. You can take this bag home after each session, or you can leave it at the nursery if nothing further needs adding. Your child will have their own peg at nursery where they can leave their bag, coat and any other belongings. Children will be assisted to do this as they arrive.
- Nappies, wipes and creams: If your child is not toilet trained by the time they start school, it is important that we have a stock of any items you use at home. We can apply cream when its required, once you have completed the necessary form, which can be found at the main reception.
- Named water bottle for the classroom-water only please. Juice and squash are allowed for lunchtime.
- If your child brings in a pack lunch box please ensure this is also labelled.
- Coat: All children can access the outdoor environment every day. Whilst time outdoors may be reduced to extreme weather conditions, they will still go out in light rain. Therefore, it is important that children have the appropriate clothing to do so, this includes; hat, gloves and wellies.
- During the warmer seasons, Parents/carers will be asked to bring in their own sun cream for their child when at nursery. This removes any issues that may occur with sensitive skin or allergic reactions. Please ensure that you keep some sun cream in your child’s bag and please ensure that you provide a sun hat to protect them when outside in hot weather conditions.